Play Therapy

Play Therapy

This form of therapy utilizes games and activities in sessions as a means of helping children and adolescents communicate and express their feelings and better manage the difficult emotions that they may experience.

What is Play Therapy?

Play therapy refers to a large number of treatment methods, all applying the therapeutic benefits of play. This form of therapy utilizes games and activities and helps children to address and resolve their own problems. It builds on the natural way that children learn about themselves and their relationships in the world around them.

How does Play Therapy help?

Play therapy helps children:

  • Become more responsible for their behaviors and develop more successful strategies
  • Develop new and creative solutions to problems
  • Develop respect and acceptance of self and others
  • Learn to experience and express emotion
  • Cultivate empathy and respect for thoughts and feelings of others
  • Learn new social skills and relational skills with family
  • Develop self-efficacy and a better assuredness about their abilities

Play therapy aims to help a child’s growth and development and understand and manage difficult emotions.

If your interested in learning more about play therapy and how it can help your child grow, contact us today for a free consultation.