Wellness & Education Consultation

About Us

Training and consultation to support mental wellnessWe provide Training and consultation to support mental wellness in professional settings, businesses/schools, and organizations. We take a proactive and preventative approach creating a diverse and inclusive culture that supports a mental wellness-friendly work culture implementing a range of programs to support workplace mental health and wellbeing.


About our training and workshops:

With roughly 1 in every 5 American adults reporting a mental health disorder each year, workplace well-being is more essential than ever and we want to be part of implementing programs for your organization and team particularly as we navigate this “new normal” of what it means to go to work and all the anxiety and uncertainty surrounding the pandemic is likely to exacerbate many mental health issues.

  • How can you make employees, students, clients, and or staff feel safe and get support at work?
  • How do I create a culture that promotes wellness at work?
  • Navigating Stress and Burnout.
  • Becoming a Mindful Parent.

Topics we cover:

Katiuscia Gray, LCSW-R, and Amanda Fludd, LCSW-R are Licensed Clinical Social Workers with Private Practices located in New York and currently offer their expertise in Mental Health as professional trainers and mental health consultants. Their dynamic and engaging approach is based on over 28 years of collective experience shared between both trainers. They pride themselves in infusing mental health, mindfulness, yoga, meditation, and other evidence-based practices in their work. We are sure that you will leave their sessions more prepared than you have ever been before to address mental health issues in your community.

Training Sessions

Our training sessions are meticulously planned by our trainers, are customized to the needs of your community
and takes time into consideration. We offer interactive 30-minute wellness experiences (Mindfulness, Light
movement, Breath work) to destress and improve wellbeing, as well as 45min to 90min educational trainings
and workshops. Training sessions will be comprised of both interactive activities and discussions and can be
catered to your organization. A few of our recent topics and trainings:

  • Mental Health 101: In the Workplace- Includes signs and symptoms of illness, how to engage in trauma-informed conversations, resources for support, practices to support a healthy mindset, etc.
  • Today’s Going to Be A Good Day: Understanding the role of anxiety and overthinking in your day-to-day life, cultivate resilience and develop a personal growth mindset, and gain strategies to address overwhelm before it impacts productivity.
  • Trauma Informed Care– Understanding the prevalence of trauma, how it applies to your organization, self-care, interventions and best practices.
  • 30 Minute Mindfulness/Meditation– A moment for individuals or teams to check in and discuss their current emotional state and concerns. Develop personal coping skills to manage anxiety and stress through mindfulness, meditation, reframing of thoughts, and engage in present focused practices to distress.
  • Self-Care 101: Finding Your Balance- An interactive self-assessment on the importance of self-care and the role of stress. Learn strategies to find balance in your work or home life and promote well-being.
  • How Stress Effects the Body and Mind: An interactive workshop to develop a greater understanding of the impact of stress and the mind, body connection. Learn grounding techniques to remain present and productive in work life as well as home life.


“The women are exciting and invigorating. I would come back to anything they do.”

“My staff was blown away by your energy and presentation, and we would love to have back.”

“My experience: Connectedness thought provoking, insightful, encouraging, a must have.”

Training Schedule

We work collaboratively with you to determine the best needs for your organization. That may include onetime
events or a series of events across a week, a month or periodically over the course of a year


All requests for additional information can be emailed to:twomentalwellnessconsultants@gmail.com

If you would like a consultation please fill out the form below:

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